Friday, October 11, 2019

I Put a Spell on You

I Put a Spell on You
and Now You're Mine

Image Essentials has this amazing Addams Family inspired pose pack at the Mad Circus Fair! This one is from the head matron, Morticia, snipping off her rose heads. I'm in love. The other poses in the pack are for Gomez and Wednesday and they can all be used separately or combined for a family portrait. They are just perfect and you can get them now at the Mad Circus Fair through the 31st of this month. It's 300L for a pack of four that include props!

Just Because has blown me away with her latest release at Collabor88! It's called Sabrina and it's this gorgeous vintage formal gown that can be worn like this with a full skirt, or you can wear just the corset for an amazing lingerie look. There's so many beautiful colors to pick from, all rich and gorgeous that it will be hard to pick just one! Collabor88 is open all month, so make sure to go and pick this up!

Image Essentials: Addams Family Morticia 1 currently at the Mad Circus Fair
Just Because: Sabrina Dress currently at Collabor88
Glam Affair: Mineko Catwa Applier 003-10 currently at the Arcade
Dead Dollz: La Calavera Collar Red
Truth: Valentina hair

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